The Foreign Aid Trap

Why we don’t take donor funding: The pitfalls of funding, foundations, and donor agencies 

We began Taghmees Social Kitchen over 12 years ago with many dreams, aspirations, and hope rooted in abundance, along with an unwavering conviction to avoid donor funding; because the few things we saw to be an unchanging truth is that the revolution would not be funded (in reference to “The Revolution Will Not Be Funded” by INCITE). 

The horrific events of the past year and our inability to rise up as a collective to put an end to the mindless brutality and genocide of our people has only strengthened our belief that these “softer, kinder” strategies have wrecked extensive damage on our community fabric; forcing our complicity. 

We attempted to provide some of the history and thinking behind why we don’t take donor funding. What can we do to avoid this trap?

Links for resources:…/19/inaugural-address

مَصْيدةُ التَمْويل الأَجْنَبي


لماذا لا نقبل مال الجهات المانحة: مخاطر التمويل والمؤسسات المانحة.

عندما بدأنا “تغميس” مع نهاية عام ٢٠١٢ كان أهم ما اتفقنا عليه هو أن لا نعتمد على التمويل الأجنبي في عملنا وبأن نبحث دائما ونعوّد أنفسنا على رؤية ما هو متوفر وموجود حولنا في بيئتنا لنبدأ العمل منه، إيماناً من أن الحلول يجب أن تكون نابعة منا وأن مال الممولين مفسدة وتخريب بالأخص بعد تجربة العمل – قبل” تغميس”- مع جمعيات في الأردن تعتمد في عملها على التمويل الأجنبي.

بعد ٧ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣ أصبحنا نؤمن أكثر وأكثر بذلك وأصبحت المهمة أسهل والرؤيا أوضح، حيث عرّت معظم المؤسسات المانحة نفسها عندما تكالبت لتدعم إسرائيل في حقها بالدفاع عن نفسها وبهرولتها لإرسال المساعدات الإنسانية لأهل غزة لتمارس تمثيلها بأن تظهر بالشكل الحسن وبأن تكون اليد العليا المنقذة. لم تنطق أغلب المؤسسات المانحة بالحق، التي تمثل بأنها تدعي له، وتصف ما حدث بأنه فعل مقاومة للتحرر من أكثر من ٧٦ سنة من الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الصهيوني لأرض فلسطين و١٧ سنة من الحصار على قطاع غزة، بل أخذت صف المُحتل وتبنت روايته.

في هذا المنشور أردنا أن نُذكر أنفسنا ومن حولنا بتاريخ التمويل، هذا المال الجميل والمنمق من الخارج ولكن المحشي بالسموم في جوهره والذي للأسف يظهر أثر تخريبه على المدى البعيد.

نشارك معكم كتاب ” الاستعمار الأمريكي الجديد أو برنامج النقطة الرابعة” لكاتبه أحمد بهاء الدين الذي ساعدنا بالعودة إلى تاريخ التمويل وبعكسه على واقعنا. 

فكيف لنا أن ننجو من هذه المصيدة بشكل جماعي؟

Of movement, martyrs, and mathematics

Where have we come since last October? 

Movement happens in so many sites of the body, the land, the spirit. 

Resistance as a state of being, breathing, becoming. Liberation as a constant unfolding. Healing at the core.  

The visceral anguish and gnawing ache of a wound that is constantly rent open. The mind breaking and paralyzing ineptitude of anything and all that might be done. 

There are no lines drawn. Not for children, not for elders, not for the differently abled, not for the caregivers, the healers, the harvesters, the storytellers… no one, nothing… all beings earth, water, air, fire.  

There are no limits to the brutality, the violence, the desecration, the soul stealing hate.  

Movement that rocks us all. Jerks us wide awake from our manufactured slumber into the waking nightmare of our lived reality… stripped of guises, all the veils have fallen. Can we see beyond still?

The cycle repeats, accelerated, intensified. Can we learn fast enough? Stitch the pieces of ourselves strong enough to remember? Re-root in our soils and hold steady in face of the apocalyptic fury of this war on life. 

Genocide. Ecocide. Femicide. Urbicide. Domicide. Educide. Scholasticide. Culturcide. 

White supremacist capitalist patriarchal imperialism. Settler colonialism. Racism. Fascism. Zionism and its states. 

There is no complexity or complication. Not beyond the military industrial complex.  

The destructive apathetic reality of power and amassed wealth through brutality throughout the ages. A present-day reflection of a shadow that stretches so far back… the story etched into our stones, deep in our bones. 

They stole our fire to light their dark ages. Crusading and pillaging under the cross of one who sacrificed for human salvation and justice, corrupting the heart of love-centered faith. Taking our intimate knowledge of wild plants to heal their ailments. Our sense of the stars to expand into the cosmos, while laying siege to our constellations and cosmic consciousness. Mutilating our sciences and mathematics into reduction, abstraction, and extraction. Our architecture and art, stolen or torn apart. 

Hurtling into the present, to rinse and repeat. 

Medicine stolen with blood can never heal without stain. This is a sickness, deeply spread. This body is sick, the mind more so. What has happened to their soul? 

And our people rise. 

They mangle our martyrs, torn from the limb, disintegrated. 

Yet we rise. With dignity, with perseverance, with purpose. Again and again. An endless cycle. 

We are Arab. We are this land, this river, this sea. We place our seed, we grow the tree. We remember, we persist, we exist, we resist. And we will return. 

But what have I really learned? 

On anger. On rage. On grief. On disappointment. On helplessness. On madness. On dignity. On relations. On community. On mutual care. On love. On hope. On resistance.

Boycott. Divest. Sanction. Protest. Demonstrate. Strike. Stand up. Walk out. Sit-in. Reach out. Teach-in. Pray. Sing. Dance. Connect. Love. Seed. Hope. Dream. Build. Move.

We need to do more. We need to do better. We need to give thanks. We are not alone. We are the wave. We must rise. 

Palestine. Lebanon. Syria. Iraq. Yemen. Sudan. Congo. Tigray. Haiti. Turtle Island. All free people everywhere. 

Moving together, all at once. 

The space between our learning and hope is littered with heartache… that’s how we know we’re still alive.