learning circles دوائر التعلم

Learning Circle

نصادف في حياتنا أشخاص ومواقف يجعلوننا نقف لأكثر من لحظة للتفكير في معنى الحياة ونكتشف الغنى الهائل فينا كأشخاص ومجتمعات. لحظات تجعلنا نعود لنرى بعدسة ولدنا بالأصل فيها لنشكل معنى لحياتنا، عدسة بعيدة عن كل التشويه الذي اكتسبناه من المدنية المهيمنة بدراية او بغير دراية، عدسة تجعلنا أقرب الى انسانيتنا المجردة من كل التشويه المعشعش في فكرنا.

مع ان “تغميس” طفلة حديثة الولادة، الا انها طفلة محظوظة لانها محاطة بناس كثر يساعدونها على التعلم واكتساب المعرفة بطريقة غير تقليدية. من هذه الفرص هي دوائر التعلم التي نشارك فيها أفراد من المجتمع لنتعلم ونعلم أرواحنا العطشى للمعرفة وننقيها من كل الشوائب بحثا عن قصص وروايات من حياتنا واستعمال حسّنا النقدي في فهم الامور والذي عطلته وغيبته الحياة المدنية التي نعيشها.

وبما أنّا في دائرة، فان التعلم لا ينتهي بداخلها، ليس له بداية ولانهاية. دخل الى دائرتنا الصغيرة قبل فترة التربوي الفلسطيني منير فاشة، وعلى مدى اكثر من ٣ ساعات تناقشنا عن أكثر الأمور اهمية في حياتنا الا وهو التعليم، وكيف ان التعليم المؤسسي لا ينتج الا نسخا من البشر يجب ان تكون متشابهة في طريقة تفكيرها لتناسب طبيعة الحياة الاستهلاكية والمؤسسية التي تحيط بنا، وننسى ان الطالب ولمدة ١٢ سنة يكون بعيدا عن الحياة وعن اكتساب المعرفة المتجددة والتي لا تقف عند أي شخص او أي اكتشاف.

في هذه الدائرة انغمسنا في النقاش، لنفكر في معاني الكلمات ودور كل شخص فينا بتشكيل معنى لهذه الكلمات لان كل انسان هو مصدر وشريك في تكوين المعنى والذي يكون نابع من تجربته الانسانية. من الافكار الجميلة التي ناقشنها هو التعلم واعادة التعلم وكيف تم تشبيههم بتقنيب الشجر، كل عام نكتسب معارف وخبرات جديدة ولكن لكي يكون لهذه الخبرات دور مؤثر في حياتنا لا بد لنا بان نقوم بتقنيب هذه الافكار كما نقوم بتقنيب الشجر كل عام لتكون أقوى وتنتج ثمرا افضلا، كذلك هو التعلم داخل أرواحنا لا بد لنا من ان نقف عنده ونخرج من أنفسنا ما هو ضار وضعيف ونبني على ما هو صالح وقوي.

من هذا الانغماس وجدنا ان كثير من حواسنا الادراكية معطلة ودور كل فرد فينا هو اعادة احياءها وبث النفس فيها. وجود أشخاص مثل منير فاشة مهم جدا في عالمنا العربي لان الرسالة التي يتم تقديمها قادمة من بيئتنا وما هو موجود لدينا وليست مستوردة من الغرب، رسالة تجعلنا أقرب الى لغتنا الغير مؤسسية وأهالينا والى تاريخنا المليء بالمعارف والى انسانيتنا.

At times there are precious moments that make us stop and reflect on the powerful meaning that can be extracted from our lives and experiences as people in community.    Ones that inspire us to capture the world through a critical lens that breaks through the myths and distortion.  Such moments bring us closer to our humanity and allow us to momentarily break free of our mental captivity.
Taghmees may be in its infancy, but we feel fortunate to be surrounded by a diversity of people that have been open to sharing learning spaces with us.  Within one such space, we have come together with other local practitioners to further enhance our personal understanding of community and social justice work outside of the typical framework of “education”.  The group’s chosen approach is a self-designed learning circle that allows participants to share content and experiences, exploring ideas in the world through our personal stories and interpretations, in order to create greater breadth and depth of meaning and understanding.

While in the circle, our learning is ongoing, with neither a beginning point nor an end.  Recently, we were fortunate to open up our circle to include Munir Fasheh, a Palestinian teacher and life-long learner.  For several hours, we exchanged in open conversation that allowed for a rich array of thoughts and ideas to enter the space.

We reflected on our choice of words and the sources we use for creating meaning and definition.  It brought us to discuss the results and implications of having and using the plastic-like words of institutions versus the vibrant words that emerge from life.  We discussed the beauty of languages that are extracted from nature, such as the Arabic and Chinese languages.  Personally, this helped me understand the difficulty we so often find in translating modern words, such as ‘computer’ and ‘education’, which are more often emerging from institutions rather than from nature.

We explored elements of education, history, and development, both as we’ve learned of them through institutions and how we’ve experienced them in life.  Together, delving into stories and experiences that reflected people’s knowledge (ahel’s knowledge) and ways of knowing as compared to institutionalized knowledge and ways of knowing.

We touched on the challenge of and need for “unlearning”, in the sense of stripping down the dominant non-critical patterns in our attitude, thinking, and behavior.  “Pruning” was offered as a more naturally derived word to describe this process of cleansing our spirits of the muck.   As “pruning” refers to trimming away at dead leaves and overgrown branches to allow for new and stronger life.  Considering that modern life is upheld by merciless materialism and insatiable consumerism, there’s a lot of self-pruning to be done.

From our immersion and exchange, we discovered so many of our senses that we have unconsciously allowed to grow numb.  Through the stories brought into the circle, we were able to spark some of these senses back to life.

We simply feel fortunate to be part of such a learning circle that keeps our spirits both active and alive.  Although Munir Fasheh’s presence and perspective were a rare gift within our circle, we are thankful for it and for his continued work with many pockets of communities.


اكتشافي للعالم عم بكون كل يوم اكثر واكثر

تعرفت على شكل جديد للحب، الحب اللي ممكن يتخلى عن كل شي علشان الاشخاص اللي بنحبهم. تعرفت انوا التعبير عن المشاعر وتكون ضعيف وصادق قدام الشخص اللي بتحبوا هو قوة وليس ضعف، من الضعف بتيجي القوة. تعرفت كيف انوا احنا البشر ما بنقدر قيمة الشئ الا لما يروح، وحتى لما يروح بناخد وقت لنحس بقيمته. تعرفت كيف ممكن يكون الصراع الداخلي جوا الانسان اقوى من كل شي ولفترة صوت الانا لازم يسيطر على كل شي، لازم يخلينا نخسر اشياء حلوة في حياتنا، ،مهما حاولنا نسيطر على الأنا بتظل اقوى من كل شي ثاني. تعرفت انوا الصراحة هي اقوى شي في الدنيا بس كيف ما تكون جارحة. تعرفت كيف لما يكون في نهاية لاي بداية حلوة انها تكون نهاية حلوة زي ما بدت. تعرفت كيف كل شي في الحياة اللي بنعيشها مرتبط ببعضوا، الناس والاحداث بتعلمنا عن حالنا اذا بدنا نشوف الحقيقة. تعرفت قديش صعب تصارح نفسك بحقيقة نفسك بس قديش بنفس الوقت هاي الصراحة حلوة ومريحة

playing to win

dare to live a different dream

We are taught to compete at a young age, through innocent channels of games and play.  Can you think of any games or activities that are collaborative rather than competitive?  Meaning that there are no winners or losers, where the objective is not to be “better than” but simply to be “better”.

Just a thought, but if we were taught as children to collaborate rather than compete, wouldn’t we work together to solve problems rather than work so hard to crush each other (the competition)? If the underlying objective of the activities we engage in as children was one of nurturing group success and shared reward rather than personal achievement and gain, would our adult “common sense” not push us to question the devastating consequence of placing competition at the center of our survival, the way it is now?  Would we ever accept the logic of patenting technology or intellectual property rights, the way we do now?  Would we rationalize the dumping of millions of tons of food every year, while millions go hungry for the sake of regulating market prices / profit margins of competing entities, as happens in our present reality?

Would we be so calm and accepting in the face of the world that is presented to us in its current unfair and unkind form?  Would we not, in this alternate non-competitive scenario, simply look to a friend (or several) and start figuring out a way to tackle any seemingly impossible task together, the way we’ve “always” done, since we were little kids playing?  Wouldn’t we be used to approaching each activity and task, as we were taught and as was modeled by adults, using the range of our different skills, abilities, and capacities to create suitable group solutions that result in a shared win?

Dare to live a different dream… this is only one.

towards humanity

In the manufactured spirit of the season, we came up with a list of some things that we’d like to avoid in life, as well as the things that we’d like to attract.  We thought to share it and hope you find it useful.

Things to Avoid:

1. Unnecessary debt (the concept of “neccessity” is open for interpretation here of course, but I’m looking at things in terms of how much of my life am I willing to spend in exchange for said need).

2. Being around people who make me feel bad about who I am, what I believe, or how I behave.  I don’t mind being challenged by others, but I don’t enjoy being judged, blamed, or shamed.

3. Holding onto unnecessary anger, whether towards loved ones or strangers.  I’d like to allow more space in myself for forgiveness by freeing up the space holding anger’s destructive energy.  (Please note that this doesn’t mean that I’m going to numb my emotions and pretend that life is a rose or smile in the face of exploitation and violence.  I’m just saying that I want to let go of the anger that damages relationships, moods, gatherings, and breakfast tables.  The kind that drags on unnecessarily,

4. Engaging ego, my own or others.  (Unfortunately, ego is one of those inescapable things, but if I’m more vigilant and self-observant, I may be able to avoid letting it control my life completely)

5. Junk, in all its forms, whether food, entertainment, or stuff

6. Confusing judgment for wisdom; times when I think I’m being wise when I’m actually being judgmental.


Things to Attract: 

1. Laughter, the kind that makes my entire body work and all my physical faucets leak.  Laughter that hurts my stomach but not anybody else’s feelings.  The kind that takes me unexpectedly, and leaves me weak yet joyful.

2. Learning moments, even in the form of challenges or experiences that push my comfort zone (but which are hopefully not catastrophic, traumatizing, or damaging in nature).

3. Critical nonjudgmental people who want to engage and be engaged, whether in reflecting on content, practice, or experience.

4. Honest feedback that isn’t advice (sincere observations and reactions that are relayed for me to reflect on and choose how to use according to my best judgment).

5. Gatherings of good people over good food.

6. Opportunities to be in nature.

7. Movement and energy, and anything that inspires them.

8. Good will and warmth.

9. The strength, courage, and support needed to pursue the life path that makes most sense to me.

10. The wisdom to realize when life is presenting me with exactly the things I need rather than the things I want.


*inspired by a dear loved one on his birthday, thank you, kazoon.

ourselves as learners

We’re very excited about sharing the journey to explore the world inside and outside of ourselves.  We see ourselves as subjective beings on this path to learning, drawing on our firsthand life experience, while being aware that our experiences are shaped by the structures and systems of power in place that either offer us the benefits of ‘belonging’ or the consequences of not.  We are of the belief that all that we know and do not know is a result of our experience as agents in an environment.

Our greatest driver is the desire to strengthen our minds, spirits, and bodies (our heads, hearts, and hands) in service to understanding our part in upholding oppressive structures, while practicing a life of generosity, humility, and active participation, one that is dedicated to the constant creation of critical consciousness.

Our greatest barrier is our own resistance and fear of seeing ourselves through the different lenses with which the world sees us.  The difficulty of holding up a mirror and seeing ourselves honestly in terms of who we are and what we represent.

We want to shake our complacency, our silent acceptance of “the way things are”.  We refuse to be shackled by our socialization and sequestered to our comfort zones, where our ideas are never challenged and learning never happens.  We want to understand ourselves and understand others, in the hopes that when we see the different parts, hear the different pain, and sit honestly with our different fears without deflecting, that healing may actually start to happen.

Through taghmees we are aiming to offer a range of activities and trainings, designed specifically for adult learners, drawing on the concepts and principles of experiential learning.  Training topics will cover a range of learning areas and competencies, that enhance participants’ ability to engage in the world critically.

It has been our experience that school kills the joy in learning.  In Einstein’s words, “It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry.”  For the sake of igniting our interest, we aim to make learning relevant to our everyday lives, tapping into our natural curiosity in the world around us.


We are proud to introduce taghmees, Jordan’s first social kitchen!  Through the combined efforts of a couple of friends, supported by our collective families, friends, and mentors, influenced by scholars, the critical thinkers, the dreamers, and the persistently resistant, inspired and made possible by all people, and powered by our universal collective consciousness, the foundation of all that we are today, which belongs to no one and everyone in equal measures.

We would like to design this page as an ongoing community discussion that will help us build on our knowledge base, and work to weaken the barriers that isolate us from each other.  Our life experience has made us aware of the importance of language in creating shared understanding among people.  We are conscious that most forms of communications today have been boiled down to creative catchphrases and trendy buzzwords, stripping language of any real content or context.  We invite you to explore language with us; to create some shared definition as a starting point for our learning.


مرحبا بكم على صفحة تغميس مطبخ اجتماعي. صفحة تغميس ستكون منصة لمناقشة مواضيع اجتماعية تمس حياتنا، المطبخ الذي سوف نقوم من خلاله بتغذية عقلنا وجسدنا والعمل على اضعاف الجدران التي تفصل بيننا. نحن مازلنا في مرحلة التاسيس ولكننا آثرنا بان نقوم باطلاق الصفحة بوقت مبكر وذلك كي تكون ولادة تغميس عملية تشاركية من قبل جميع الافراد المهتمين بابداء الراي.

المطبخ الاجتماعي مكون من خطة بسيطة، خطة تجمع الناس حول مائدة طعام شعبية للتغميس في وجبات موسمية وبسيطة لتكون وسيلة لجمع الناس حول قضايا اجتماعية تمس حياتنا اليومية، وايضا لتمويل برامج للتدريب لفئات المجتمع المختلفة وبالاخص المهمشة منها. هذه الخطة ستساعدنا على فهم ابعاد هذه القضايا عن طريق التعلم التشاركي، فالمشاركة في الغذاء والمعلومة هي وسيلتنا لكي نخلق المجتمع الذي نود الوصول اليه.

لغة النقاش على هذه الصفحة ستكون باللغتين العربية والانجليزية، حيث اننا في الوقت الحالي نقوم باعداد المواد التعليمية المبنية على محتوى عالمي كطريق لنمهد لبناء طريقتنا المحلية للتعلم.

كل ما هو موجود على الصفحة من تصاميم هي خرابيش اولية ونحن بصدد خلق هوية لتغميس يشارك فيها اكبر عدد ممكن من المهتمين لذلك انتظرونا في الايام القادمة عندما نعلن عن هذه جلسة.